Sunday, 28 November 2010

Week 9....Social Media

This includes web based media and the rate that people access the media. The top three websites on the internet are:

1.) google
2.) facebook

There are certain reasons why people enter these sites. Some people have the longing to belong to something as popular as the 3 things above. Some people need and want the attention that the use of these sites can gain you.

The creation of web 2.0 has made us, as consumers, more socially aware and has given us a chance to define ourselfs by the use of this web based medium. Social media is something most people use to network with people but alot of people also see it as a way of defining themselfs.

A perfect example of this is Tumblr. A site where you blog and complete strangers follow you. The concept is you are completely yourself because know one who knows you outside of the virtual world knows you. This leads to alot af people creating a site based around who they are and trying to get as many people them to follow them as possible so they can feel "like somebody".

This is in juxtoposition with facebook, which is a social networking site dedicated to you following your friends and family. The users of the two site often see the sites as in competiton with each other. As a user of both I know that you do not mention tumblr on facebook and vice versa. These sites have created two different types of media dependent people.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Week 8...Privacy and Surveilliance cultures.

In the world of today, with growing technology and more and more people wanting to know your private imformation every day, the theories surrounding privacy have never been as important.

The web has created people who dont mind giving their information away. But is this because they feel safe to do so. There is a data protection act, but it is also noted that each company (who asks for personal details) must have its own policy to do with data. Saying this the amount of people who take note of each companys data protection policy is very minimal.

The creation of social networking sites has made it easier and easier for people to acess imformation about you. For example, if you type my brothers name into google, his facebook page appears. Is this not a breech of privacy? Or is the fact we are allowing ourselfs to give all this imformation away showing our lack of care for our own online saftey?

Facebook....the biggest social network site on the UK.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Week 6....Networks

Networking spans back to the days when the way we communicated with each other was letter writing. This has significally changed with the development of technology. During the war morse code was frmed creating another network. There is also the invention of the telephone to consider and now there is the invention of the internet.

Mosaic was the first internet based distributed network and allowed you to find out information with just a click of a button. It was the first network of its type so was quite the phenomenon. Looking at this today it is over shrouded with the development of technology and the mass amounts of Networks that have been created. These include social networking sites, blogging sites and forums. Technology has developed our ways of networking.